
Inspiration to add life to your day and days to your life

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God is Beautiful

In studying the bible this evening I was lead to read Psalms 68:32-35 in the NIV bible. The scripture reads:

32 Sing to God, O kingdom of the earth, sing praise to the Lord, 33 to him who rides the ancient skies above, who thunders with mighty voice.
34 Proclaim the power of God whose majesty is over Israel, whose power is in the skies.
35 You are awesome, O god, in your sanctuary, the God of Israel gives power and strength to his people.
Praise be to God!

Isn’t this scripture amazing and uplifting. It reminds me of His awesomeness and how all I need to do is praise Him and proclaim His power. I love teh part of the scripture when it states “to him who rides the ancient skies above”. God is amazingly wonderful and I am so grateful that He is my father and I am His daughter.

Dr Lisa Melton

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Trusting God-Joyce Meyer

We all struggling with fully trusting God. We know we struggle when we worry about it rather than giving praise during our waiting period. We know we struggle when we get discouraged and allow thoughts of discouragement to take root in our minds and hearts. We should never struggle with trusting God. One day my 7 year old heard someone say that they doubt God would do something. She was sincerely bothered by this. She said that no matter what you don’t doubt God. He is the one to always trust and it is wrong to doubt Him. From the mouth’s of babes. Her words resounded in my heart and when I feel my faith shifting I hear her little voice with such powerful words and I put my focus back on God and His unwavering promises to me.

How Trusting God Can Transform Your Life
by Joyce Meyer

For a long time, there was so much turmoil in my life. It really saddens me to think about all the years I wasted living this way. I was a Christian and went to church, but I spent a lot of time being upset about things I couldn’t do anything about, experienced feelings of guilt and condemnation much of the time, had no peace and just didn’t enjoy life.

Thankfully, I’ve had a radical transformation. I’ve developed the habit of trusting God, and now life is really worth living.

What It Means to Trust God

Trusting God is simply believing that He loves you, He’s good, He has the power to help you, He wants to help you, and He will help you. Christians are called believers, but many times, we are more like unbelieving believers. We trust our friends, the bank, the stock market or the government more than we trust God and His Word.

In John 15:5, Jesus says that apart from Him, we can do nothing. We need to lean on Him for help with everything in our lives. Sadly, a lot of people go to church, hear what they should do and then go home and try to do it on their own. They usually end up desperately telling God how hard they’re trying to do what they need to do, and they’re leaving Him out!

God wants us to put Him first in our lives. He wants us to put our confidence and trust in Him, all the time, in everything.

Learning to Trust God, Not Myself

I used to have a habit of trusting myself. I formed this habit through years of trusting people, getting hurt and finding out I couldn’t trust them. This caused me to believe, If you want something done right, you’ve got to do it yourself. If you don’t ask anybody for anything or open your heart to them, they can’t hurt you. But this mindset just kept me from trusting God. It was a bad habit I had to break.

Proverbs 3:5,6 says, Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths (NKJV). When you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior, the Spirit of God comes to live inside you. This is one of the greatest blessings of salvation: You don’t have to go through someone else to get to God. He dwells in your heart and you can learn to hear His voice.

The best way to hear from God and know how He wants you to live is to know what the Bible, His Word, says. God’s Word gives us wisdom. And as we study the Bible, our mind is renewed (see Romans 12:2), so we no longer just think the way the world thinks – we can think the way God thinks!

The Good Habit That Really Makes the Difference

We have to habitually study the Word to really have confidence in God and know we can hear Him. The Bible is food for our spirit. As we spend time reading and meditating on Scripture, we develop a strong spirit. Then we can hear God speaking to our heart – where He dwells in us – and make decisions based upon what He’s leading us to do, not just what we may think, feel or want.

When you go beyond what you want, what you think and what you feel and do what the Word and the Spirit of God tell you to do, you are able to develop good habits and break bad ones. You come to a place where the blessings of God – His righteousness, peace and joy – overflow in your life.

Life is simple and peaceful when we come to God like little children and say, “God, I don’t want to live on my own. I want to trust You. When I don’t know what to do, I’ll trust You. When I don’t understand why, I’ll trust You. I’ll do my part with Your help, and when I’m done, I’ll trust You to do the rest.”


Dr Lisa Melton

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When God Speaks

We all seek a word from God on a daily basis. Many of us are desperately seeking God’s guidance and we have so many things going on in life that we often miss His voice and direction. We get confused because we try to look at the natural along with the spiritual and try to make it all fit together. When the truth is you can’t always make the two fit. The spiritual realm is so much greater than the natural realm.

God truly speaks to us constantly. He is always leading us and guiding us but we have to be sure of His voice. We have to just simply slow down and know what feels right and aligned with God’s words and promises to us. When God speaks it is definite and you can trust in whatever He tells you. Just listen and trust Him.

Dr Lisa Melton

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We talk about faith all the time but many times it is just that, talk. Faith is more than the words we speak. It is believing, knowing without any doubt what we have not seen in the physical with our eyes. When you truly have faith you can feel it to your bone and that is when you know you have tapped in to the insights of God’s promises.

You have to trust God regardless of seeing nothing happen at all. Don’t look at no movement in the physical as “it will never happen”. Look at it as you are imagining the process of planting a flower. You dig a hole and put the seed in the ground. You water the spot and keep watching for the first signs of a bloom. Even though you don’t see through the dirt you know that the flower is taking root and growing. Take your faith to another level and watch God work.

Dr Lisa Melton

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Many times when things go wrong or not as we imagined or planned we tend to go to God as if even He is surprised at the events. There are no surprises to God. God knows the end from the beginning, therefore, to God our lives are back-mapping. We must learn to quickly dissolve our emotions when things don’t go as planned or when our answered prayers are delayed. God already knows everything that is going to happen every second of every day of our lives. Therefore, when we go to God we need to be sure to go in thanksgiving and praise so that we are not focused on what we don’t have. If we keep our focus on what we don’t have then we will continue to stay in that current situation because you are not putting out an energy that will bring about your desired outcome of change.

Dr Lisa Melton

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Patience in your delay

There are many of us who have been holding on to our faith for a long time. We can become easily offended when others allude to the fact that the door has not opened for us due to lack of faith. When we know we are holding on to all the faith we have daily regardless of what the physical circumstances are. We must learn to be patient in our delay. We can’t afford to stop believing and hoping because it has been years and no change has come our way that leads to that one desire we have in our hearts that is above all other desires. A delay doesn’t mean no. It means that God is behind the scenes working hard and being sure that everything is aligned as He has predestined it to be.

In your delay you should do the following things:
D-Destroy doubt constantly
E-Eat less by fasting and turning down your plate so that you can hear God’s whispers to you
L-Laugh and keep your joy knowing that God is your all. He is the author of your life story
A-Ask believing and it shall be done. That is a huge promise from God so remind Him of it often
Y-Yes, keep this word in your mind by seeing yourself doing exactly what you have asked God for

Never give up your hope, dream, desires, and beliefs. Hold on to God’s promises and it will surely come to pass. There were many in the bible who had delays. Moses, Abraham and Sarah, Elijah, David, Jacob, Noah, and many more. Read their stories and be encouraged in knowing that a delay is not a no.

Dr Lisa Melton

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Very Unlikely……

When you think about all of the things that initially appeared unlikely but are a strong reality today it can be mind-blowing. We must remember these things to know that where we are today is not where we will stay. We must know that no matter how long things have been this way that they are surely going to change. Old people used to say that it is a bad wind that never changes. Therefore, we must anticipate and expect the change to happen at a moments notice.

I truly believe that my change is here. I am simply waiting for God to bring it into the physical realm. I see my change therefore, surely it is real and it is done. Especially when I sit and think about the unlikely things that are a reality. Why should my life be any different.

Very unlikely things:
Very unlikely that someone can flip a switch and there is light
Very unlikely that man will travel to the moon
Very unlikely that people can fly in an object across states and water
Very unlikely that the dead and blind can go to school and learn
Very unlikely that people can be famous over nothing at all
Very unlikely that we will ever have a black president
Very unlikely that people can sail all over the world
Very unlikely that people will call each other and be able to physically see each other at the same time
Very unlikely that man can create machines that can drive people around, vacuum floors and do so much more

So many things that people wrote off as being very unlikely but we actually have experienced on a daily basis or at least in our life time. Let these things be an inspiration for you and stay encourage.

Dr Lisa Melton

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Keep your mind and focus on God. That way you won’t bow down to sin repeatedly. If you are focusing on God and His word you will have the fighting power to overcome all that come your way. Think about it like this; do you recall taking driver’s education? When you were first learning how to drive whatever you looked at your car would drift that way. If you focused on the center line so you would cross it you would surely cross it. So you had to train yourself to focus on the middle of the lane you were in so that you could stay on the road. Well anything in life is that way. If you focus on what you don’t want you will surely draw it unto you. Keep your focus on God. He is healing, love, peace, constant, joy, trustworthy and all that we will ever need.

Stay focused!

Dr Lisa Melton